Safeguarding at st peter's
St Peter's the Parochial Church Council (PCC) has accepted the Church of England Policy Protecting All God’s Children (4th edition 2010) and have adopted the House of Bishops’ “Promoting A Safer Church; Safeguarding Policy Statement”
Click here to access the policy
We work with St. Albans Diocese Safeguarding Advisor Jeremy Hirst when dealing with any safeguarding matters
We ensure that all those working with children and vulnerable adults are DBS checked every 3 years
All those working with children and vulnerable adults complete the Church of England safeguarding training which is refreshed every 3 years
If you have any concerns whatsoever around the welfare of a child, young person or adult, please contact the parish safeguarding officer at paul@evenett.uk
If you would like to speak with someone outside the church:
Jez Hirst, the St Alban's safeguarding officer can be contacted on
Office:01727 818 107
Mobile:07867 350 886